Grand Rapids Auto Repair

All Auto Services(616) 369-9182

A Westside Auto Group Company

About All Auto Services

With the state of the art equipment and the latest scanners, All Auto Services is here to serve the Grand Rapids community for all of their auto repair needs. Our company is built on integrity and trust, and that is exactly what we want to embody to our customers. Our top priorities here at All Auto Services are customer care and high quality service; our customers satisfaction is a sign of a job well done.

What sets us apart from other similar businesses?

We believe that lasting relationships play a major role in our business and we operate with that in mind. Our staff is dedicated to providing exceptional customer service and cultivate relationships between both new customers and familiar faces. We operate from a place of honesty and sincerity, therefore we tell you exactly what is wrong with your vehicle, without any surprises. There is no hidden agenda to charge you extra or slip in hidden fees; of something isn’t broken we simply will not fix it! 

“We are a neighborhood auto repair shop.”

Team Photo - All Auto Services