Grand Rapids Auto Repair

All Auto Services(616) 369-9182

A Westside Auto Group Company

Starter Replacement in Grand Rapids, MI

Starter Replacement in Grand Rapids, MI - All Auto Services

All Auto Services is a family-owned, modern, full-service Grand Rapids auto repair shop. We offer comprehensive car care including car starter testing and replacement. Our technicians are experts at diagnosing electrical issues, including starting and charging system problems. Starter replacement is only one of the many services we offer.  

Starter failure is difficult to predict, but it sure can be annoying. Our Grand Rapids repair garage offers starter testing and replacement services, but we typically do not offer starter repair. Due to labor cost increases, it’s usually more cost-effective to replace the failed starter with a brand new unit, rather than to attempt repairs of the old starter. 

If your vehicle fails to start, have it towed to All Auto Services in Grand Rapids - our nationally ASE-certified technicians will inspect and diagnose your car’s starting and charging systems (they are intimately connected). We will also perform a complimentary digital vehicle inspection and provide you with an electronic copy of what we find – if the starter indeed is the culprit, we can perform starter replacement, typically the same day.  

So bring your vehicle to our Grand Rapids auto repair garage, and you will be greeted by our friendly service writers, while our technicians will take great care of your vehicle – you can also expect following: 

  • For your peace of mind, 24 months / 24,000 miles warranty
  • When possible, we use Original Equipment or better-quality parts
  • Written estimates of the repairs
  • Free local shuttle/Uber for your convenience
  • Free digital vehicle inspection

All Auto Services in Grand Rapids is a family-owned, full-service auto repair shop that combines superior customer service, with clean, child-friendly office, and cutting-edge technical skills. In addition to starter replacement, we offer a full range of auto maintenance and repair services. Whether your vehicle needs a new starter or computer diagnostics, check engine light repairs or is facing transmission problems, bring it to our Grand Rapids facility - we offer convenient appointments online, on our website, or you can call our auto repair shop directly, and one of the service writers will be happy to make an appointment for you, for a time that fits your schedule.