Grand Rapids Auto Repair

All Auto Services(616) 369-9182

A Westside Auto Group Company

Auto Air Conditioning Service and Repair in Grand Rapids, MI

All Auto Services in Grand Rapids offers a full range of automotive air conditioning services and repairs, from ac refill (including the new refrigerant R1234YF), to ac leak detection and repair, sensor testing, ac condenser repair, or blower motor replacement – if your vehicle’s air conditioning system is not functioning as it should, bring it to our Grand Rapids auto repair shop and our nationally certified technicians will find and repair the root cause of the problem.

Getting the cold air to blow on a hot, muggy Sunday afternoon can make a difference between a fun family trip, or a rather unpleasant experience. One of the most popular services we offer is the auto air conditioning refrigerant recharge. Over time your vehicle may develop a slow refrigerant leak, and when you turn on the ac, especially after a long winter, you may find warm air blowing from the vents. We recommend auto a/c checkup every spring, before the summer heat arrives.

AC system in your vehicle comprises many components, and as they age, some of them may fail. Hoses get brittle over time and may develop cracks. O-rings and seals may fail to function as intended as they get old. Ambient temperature sensor could fail, or the blower motor may need to be replaced. These are only a few of the components that are involved in providing you with cold air on demand.

Our technicians, certified by the National Institute for Automotive Service Excellence (ASE), are trained in all aspects of auto air conditioning diagnostics and repair. They will first test your vehicle’s ac system to check for overall performance, diagnose the problem you described, and check for any leaks as well. Then we will perform repairs, followed by testing at different loads and temperature settings to make sure that your vehicle’s air conditioning system is functioning as it should.

At All Auto Services we can perform ac services and repairs for a broad range of vehicles, including domestic, Asian, and European cars, SUVs, and light trucks – so when your vehicle’s ac system needs repairs, bring it to our Grand Rapids auto care facility. You will be welcomed by our friendly service advisors, and our technicians will diagnose and repair any a/c problems your vehicle may exhibit. With all repairs and services we offer:

  • 24 month / 24,000 miles warranty
  • In most cases, same day service completion
  • Original Equipment or better quality parts
  • Free local shuttle for your convenience
  • Free Digital Vehicle Inspection with service or repairs

All Auto Services team is ready to get your vehicle’s ac blowing cold air on demand – call us to make an appointment, or make an appointment online, on our website, if you find it more convenient.