Grand Rapids Auto Repair

All Auto Services(616) 369-9182

A Westside Auto Group Company


Back to School Auto Repair Services: A Guide for High Schoolers, Parents, & College Students

Back to School Auto Repair Services: A Guide for High Schoolers, Parents, & College Students

As summer winds down and the school year ramps up, it's not just backpacks and school supplies that need attention—your vehicle does too. Whether you're a high school student heading to your first job, a parent juggling multiple schedules, or a college student getting ready for another year away from home, reliable transportation is crucial. At All-Auto Services, we're here to help you get your vehicle in tip-top shape for the busy months ahead. Here's a comprehensive guide to back-to-school auto repair services for everyone in your family. For High Schoolers: The Essentials of Auto Maintenance 1. Basic Car Care Knowledge: High schoolers driving for the first time might be excited but can be a little overwhelmed by car maintenance. It’s a good idea to become familiar with the basics: Checking Oil Levels: Regular oil changes are crucial. We can show you how to check and change your oil if you're up for it. Tire Maintenance: Learn how to check tire press ... read more

Brake Service and Repair in Grand Rapids MI

Brakes are vital to your safety, and the safety of your passengers. At our Grand Rapids auto repair shop we offer comprehensive brake inspections, brake service, as well as brake repairs. Whether you Chevrolet Silverado needs new brake pads, or your Ford needs brake fluid change, our technicians, certified by the National Institute for Automotive Service Excellence (ASE), will provide professional brake inspection and service. After service or repairs, we will take your vehicle for a test drive to make sure the brakes work correctly under real world conditions. Automotive brakes, whether disc brakes or drum brakes, require regular service and inspections. In addition to brake pad replacement, brake fluid needs to be replaced regularly as well. An ... read more

Timing Belt Replacement in Grand Rapids MI

All Auto Services is your one-stop auto maintenance and repair facility in Grand Rapids. Among the hundreds of services and repairs we provide, timing belt replacement has a special place. Even though most modern vehicles use timing chains, there are still millions of vehicles in use that utilize a timing belt. Timing belt replacement is usually recommended every 90,000 to 105,000 miles, depending on your make and model. Some manufacturers recommend timing belt replacement every 60,000 miles – check your Owner’s Manual or Handbook for the recommended interval for your make and model. Timing belt replacement is a big job that involves removing front portion of the engine. We recommend water pump replacement at the same time, since most of the labor cost is already factored into the timing chain replacement – so most of the additional cost is the cost of the water pump itself. Along with the timing belt we will replace tensioners, as well as camshaft and crankshaft se ... read more

Fall Auto Check in Grand Rapids, MI

Fall is in the air - and with the colder weather come starting problems, vehicle control issues, and all the challenges of winter driving. At All Auto Services in Grand Rapids we recommend fall/pre-winter vehicle inspection to make sure your car is ready for the coming inclement weather. It used to be that most cars would get a tune-up in the Fall,  but nowadays a lot of the tuning is done in real time, by onboard computers. But there still remain important vehicle systems that require human touch. We highly recommend a suspension check. Worn out suspension can cause vehicle control issues and can increase stopping distance - already made longer by wet driving conditions. We also recommend brake inspection as well - fall and winter driving require faultless braking performance. Brake pads, calipers, brake fluid lines, and the brake fluid itself should be checked before the storms arrive.  While we are performing suspension checks, we can also check the tires to make sure th ... read more

Check Engine Light Diagnostics and Repair in Grand Rapids

Check Engine Light Diagnostics and Repair in Grand Rapids At All Auto Services we provide comprehensive check engine light diagnostics and repairs. The dreaded “check engine light” can come on for a wide variety of reasons – from a fuel cap that does not hold the pressure, to major engine problems, to catalytic converter failure, or hundreds of other reasons. When you bring your vehicle to our Grand Rapids mechanic shop, we will use professional scan tools to read the codes associated with the check engine light. These codes serve as road signs that tell us where to look for the source of the problem. Unfortunately, even professional level scanners that cost thousands of dollars usually will not give us a clear answer. They do tell our technicians which subsystems of your vehicle to inspect, where to proceed with further testing, and where to apply their diagnostic skills get to the root cause of the problem. Once our technicians have discovered the cause of the ch ... read more