Grand Rapids Auto Repair

All Auto Services(616) 369-9182

A Westside Auto Group Company

Auto Heater Repair in Grand Rapids, MI

Auto Heater Repair - All Auto Services

Welcome to All Auto Services – the premier auto repair shop in Grand Rapids. We are a family owned auto repair garage that offers, literally, hundreds of repairs and maintenance services, including automotive heater repair.

Normally we don’t think much about automotive heating system - it is only when a car heater malfunctions on a cold, dreary winter day that we realize how much miss on-demand warmth. Fortunately, a quick trip to All Auto Services in Grand Rapids can restore that warmth and convenience.

In general, to avoid such unpleasant surprises, our technicians recommend regular car maintenance visits, including heater inspection. A broken heater is easy to spot – it’s blowing cold air. There are, though, some other, less obvious clues that the heating system may need professional attention:

  • Unpleasant smell coming from the heater vents
  • Your car requires a lot of coolant
  • Antifreeze leaking into your car’s interior

Fortunately, our highly skilled technicians, nationally certified by the National Institute for Automotive Service Excellence, can inspect, diagnose, and repair any heating problem your vehicle may exhibit. Whether your vehicle has a heater hose problem, the blower motor is malfunctioning, the heater core needs to be replaced, or maybe it’s just a blown fuse – our technicians will find the root cause of the problem and get it fixed.

Any time you visit All Auto Services in Grand Rapids, you can expect friendly service, technical excellence, clean, children friendly facility, as well as:

  • Every service or repair comes with complimentary Digital Vehicle Inspection
  • ASE nationally certified technicians working the heating system
  • Original Equipment or better quality parts
  • Local complimentary shuttle/Uber rides
  • 24 month / 24,000 mile warranty

So it your car’s heating system is blowing cold air, or you simply want to have your vehicle checked out before winter, call our Grand Rapids auto repair shop – we will be happy to make an appointment that fits your schedule.