Grand Rapids Auto Repair

All Auto Services(616) 369-9182

A Westside Auto Group Company

Brake Service in Grand Rapids, MI

Brake Service - All Auto Services

Regular brake service is necessary to keep your vehicle safe on the roads. Our family owned auto repair shop in Grand Rapids provides complete car maintenance, including brake services. Our nationally ASE certified technicians can service brakes, as well as repair any brake problems you vehicle may experience.

We can service any modern brake system – drum brakes, disc brakes, as well as the ABS anti-lock brake system. Our technicians can provide complete brake inspection, which includes brake pads measurement, brake lines inspection, hoses, calipers tests, and brake fluid inspection as well. If we find any issues, we will let you know, and can get them corrected, usually the same day.

If you wonder if your vehicle may need brake service, here are some of the symptoms that indicate need for professional attention:

  • ABS dashboard warning light is illuminated
  • Brake pedal feels “spongy”
  • Dashboard brake indicator light glows red
  • When braking, if you hear grinding sounds, or even just squeaking sounds, it is a good idea to have the brakes checked out
  • Brake pedal is slow to respond
  • If the brakes “don’t feel right”, bring your vehicle in for an inspection – your safety and your peace of mind are paramount

Our Grand Rapids auto repair garage provides friendly service and our technicians, certified by National Institute for Automotive Service Excellence (ASE), are highly skilled at brake service and repair. Whenever you bring your vehicle to All Auto Services, you will be warmly greeted by our staff, and you can also expect:

  • Free digital vehicle inspection with any repair or service
  • 2 year / 24,000 mile warranty
  • In most cases, same day service completion
  • Original Equipment or better quality parts
  • Free local shuttle/Uber service for your convenience
  • Free coffee and Wi-Fi

So if your vehicle’s brakes indicate that it’s time for brake service, call All Auto Services in Grand Rapids to make an appointment. If your vehicle is due for an oil change, we can combine the two, so you only make one trip to get both oil change and brake service completed. We offer convenient online appointments on our website, or simply call us at the shop and we will make an appointment that fits your plans.