Grand Rapids Auto Repair

All Auto Services(616) 369-9182

A Westside Auto Group Company

Major Repairs in Grand Rapids, MI

At All Auto Services, we understand that issues with your vehicle may arise unexpectedly, and you’ll be in search of a trusted auto repair shop to assist you. Here at our Grand Rapids auto repair shop, we provide a full range of honest and quality auto services for our customers - both big and small. Major repairs can be stressful to deal with, but we help take away that stress by providing you with excellent customer service, top-notch repairs, and competitive pricing.

Whether you need a major service performed or have engine damage that needs repairing, you can have peace of mind knowing that All Auto Services are the major car repair experts in Grand Rapids and surrounding areas. We want you and your family to be safe on the road, and a properly working vehicle is the first step. As soon as you notice that your vehicle isn’t operating properly, you know you can turn to the experts here at our shop for friendly and professional service.

Some of the other major repair work performed regularly at All Auto Services includes:

  • Diesel Service and Repair
  • Clutch Replacement
  • Engine Repair / Replacement
  • Transmission Repair / Replacement
  • Diagnostics

We are one of the leading auto repair centers serving customers in Grand Rapids, MI, and surrounding communities. All vehicle repair and maintenance services at All Auto Services are performed by highly skilled and ASE-certified technicians. Our repair shop works on most makes and models of vehicles with the use of quality equipment and technology. Whether you drive a passenger car, mini-van, medium-sized truck, or SUV, our technicians strive to make sure that your vehicle will be operating at its best before leaving our auto repair facility in Grand Rapids, MI.

Our high standards prove that our technicians always have the best interests of our customers at heart. Looking for a one-stop auto repair shop that offers first-rate major repairs for your vehicle? Look no further than All Auto Services, and allow our technicians to get you a reliable estimate of any auto repair issue you may be facing. Our primary goal has always been complete satisfaction for customers in Grand Rapids, MI, and surrounding communities. Our auto repair shop has a longstanding reputation for top-notch auto repairs.

When you need major vehicle repair in Grand Rapids, MI, look no further than All Auto Services. Call us with any questions, stop by our shop, or schedule an appointment online today!