Grand Rapids Auto Repair

All Auto Services(616) 369-9182

A Westside Auto Group Company

Tie Rods Replacement in Grand Rapids, MI

Tie Rods Replacement in Grand Rapids, MI - All Auto Services

Welcome the premier auto repair shop in Grand Rapids – All Auto Services. We offer comprehensive car care, including suspension maintenance and repair – from shocks and struts, to ball joints, control arms, and of course, tie rods replacement as well. 

Tie rods transfer power from the steering system to the wheels – every time you turn your steering wheel, tie rods are engaged. Made of high strength steel, they can quietly do their job for years. But time, stress, and rough roads can cause tie rods to fail – depending on the severity, symptoms can be as minor as uneven tire wear, to total inability to steer the vehicle in the most extreme cases. 

How to tell if the tie rods need replacement? Typical signs include noises - clunking or knocking sounds, popping or cracking noises, excessive wheel play, and the steering may feel less smooth, even catchy. Unstable steering wheel, vehicle vibrations or uneven tire wear can also signal that the tie rods need attention. 

Naturally when you bring your vehicle to All Auto Services, our technicians will perform a thorough undercarriage inspection, including looking for inner tie rod movement in the ball socket joint, and any signs of physical damage. 

If you suspect tie rod issues, bring your vehicle to our Grand Rapids auto care facility, and our nationally ASE certified technicians will inspect the vehicle and determine the root cause of the symptoms you report. If tie rods need to be replaced, we can fix your car and get it back on the road, usually the same day. In addition to friendly welcome from our service advisors, you can also anticipate:

  • 24 months / 24,000 miles warranty
  • Free digital vehicle inspection with service or repairs
  • Original Equipment or better quality parts
  • Local shuttle/Uber for your convenience
  • Clean, child-friendly office

All Auto Services is a family owned, full service Grand Rapids auto repair facility – we have the depth of experience to diagnose and repair any problem your vehicle may exhibit. So if your vehicle exhibits signs of tie rod problems, or any other problems or symptoms that cause you unease, call us at the shop. 

Our service advisors will be happy to answer your questions and to arrange for a convenient appointment to have you vehicle inspected and repaired. Call us – we are looking forward to meeting you and your vehicle.