Grand Rapids Auto Repair

All Auto Services(616) 369-9182

A Westside Auto Group Company

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All Auto Services provides dependable, thorough and timely service. They listen attentively and share their expertise in clear, understandable terms. The team at All Auto Services makes car repairs a bit less daunting!


Great turnaround time and communication

Hi James, we're glad that you had a great experience with us! We were more than happy to take care of the transmission and the window on your Lexus. Thank you for leaving us a 5-star review! Sincerely, The All Auto Services Team

- All Auto Services


Trustworthy, fast, polite, and responsive!


Hi Justice, thank you for the kind words and for the review! We really do appreciate it. Sincerely, The All Auto Services Team

- All Auto Services

The All Auto Services team did it again. Needed to have a new battery for my car and they were right on it. Wonderful place & people to work with.


All Auto Services is the best place I’ve ever done business with. The staff is very friendly and courteous. They do a thorough inspection and repair if required. Most importantly they are honest! I definitely will bring my vehicle back to them. I highly recommend them! Thanks for a job well done!


We drove from out of town to have our car serviced. We appreciate the quality of customer service and care. They’re also quick and efficient. Highly recommend.



Hi Taylor, thank you for the 5-star review, and for choosing us to inspect your Ford Focus and make sure it's running smoothly. We appreciate your business! Sincerely, The All Auto Service Team

- All Auto Services