Grand Rapids Auto Repair

All Auto Services(616) 369-9182

A Westside Auto Group Company

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Anytime you need anything this is the place to call home for all your vehicle needs. Home always takes care of you and helps you. All Auto Care is Home.


Jeff is a great guy to work with. He's usually dead-on with his timeline, takes the time to explain the job, and always gives a fair and competitive price. I've never had a bad experience with any of my vehicles here. Whether it's for routine maintenance, or If there's something I can't figure out while working on my truck, this is where I take my vehicle.


Spoke with Michael. He said the staff did a good job.


Cortez said Jeff does good service.


Thanga said she liked how this business helped her. She walked in without an appointment. It was quick and easy.


Bobby said he received excellent service and the work was done in a timely fashion.


Neal said the service was good and he is always satisfied.


Andrew said the service was quick and efficient. He stated he felt they knew what they were doing, and it was done at a reasonable price.


Rodrick said this business was good.


Dan said this business did a good job.