Grand Rapids Auto Repair

All Auto Services(616) 369-9182

A Westside Auto Group Company

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Spoke with Emma. She said this business did a great job with their vehicle and it was fast service.


I am very happy with the service I receive from All Auto Care. The technicians are excellent in completing the repairs and maintenance that my car requires. I always receive welcoming, friendly service. The pricing is great! I am total satisfied with my relationship with All Auto Care.


Emily said this business was honest in pricing, they were kind, and they explained things when she didn't understand. They took good care her.


David said this business did a good job and they were fast.


Pietros said this business addressed his vehicle's issue immediately and they got the job done with no complications or problems.


William said this business served him well, they did the work in a timely manner and were friendly. He said he needs to go to them more often and the price was fair.


Spoke with Joseph. He said he has always felt they do very good work. He and his wife have been customers of this business for a few years. They have another vehicle being serviced at this time. There is a small grinding noise that he will return to this business about. Things went pretty well. The work is done pretty quickly so he doesn't have to wait long periods of time.


Mike said he has been using this business for 10 years, and they provide excellent service. He said they are the best facility in the area and he has recommended them to others.


Dermont said he was extremely happy with the experience he had during his visit to this business. He did not have any complaints. They took great care of him and he was 100 percent satisfied with everything. He loved the excellent service they provided and he would go back.


Spoke with Connie. She said this business is professional, they stuck to the quoted price and the vehicle is working great. This was her first time using them and she plans on going to them again because they were so good.