Grand Rapids Auto Repair

All Auto Services(616) 369-9182

A Westside Auto Group Company

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I'm very satisfied with the work performed on my car and the professional staff. Thanks again 👍

Robert, We appreciate the opportunity to help with your concerns on your vehicle. Thank you for the feedback! We look forward to seeing you again on the next maintenance visit. Best regards, The team at All Auto Services

- All Auto Services

Hi Alexis, thank you for leaving us a 5-star review! We're glad that you were satisfied with our service. Sincerely, The team at All Auto Services

- All Auto Services

The staff was fast and friendly and kept me updated.


I asked for them to fix my breaks and replace a tail light. They did the brakes just fine but didn’t bother with the tail light. They also left me a complimentary vape in the passenger seat 🤗


Great service and great staff. Thank you.


Great service, very professional, communication was excellent, iam using them for more work...

Thank you Robert for your 5-star review! We're pleased to hear that you had a great experience with us. Our goal is to provide efficient service without sacrificing quality. We appreciate your kind words and look forward to serving you again in the future! Thank you again, The All Auto Services team

- All Auto Services


Alex took very good care of my car appreciate everything

Hi Charles, thank you for leaving us a 5-star review! We're glad that you were satisfied with our service. Sincerely, The All Auto Services team

- All Auto Services