Grand Rapids Auto Repair

All Auto Services(616) 369-9182

A Westside Auto Group Company

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I have to say the staff was very friendly, but there was a lack of communication. I went there for an exhaust fix on a Thursday. I told them off the bat that I would need a new muffler, for the one was very rusty. I was just fine with it taking until the next day, I understand they are definitely busy. I had to call them each time and ask for an update. They were nice enough to give me a bit of a discount when I picked it up Friday evening. Got a few miles away and noticed that they didn't put any muffler on. They told me to bring it back Monday morning, they will make it right. Brought it back and they called in the afternoon to say they found my old muffler and they need to put a new one on. As I stated the week before, I was just fine with that I knew it was going to have to happen. Asked for them to please contact me if they needed to keep it until the next day because it's my only source of transportation. I had to again call them and it was not done until the next day. The hardest part was that I was without a car for 4 weekdays and it always had to be last minute for me to find a ride because of the lack of communication on the timeline of this fix. Unfortunately at this rate I'm not 100% sure if I'll be back.


The service at all auto was awesome and a wonderful experience

Romeo, Thank you so much for taking the time to review your experience with us, we really appreciate your business! It was a pleasure servicing your vehicle. Thank you again, The team from All Auto Services

- All Auto Services

Helped me diagnose and fix my car very quickly and Alex was very helpful behind the service desk!!



A service led company with knowledgeable staff. A pleasure to take my car to this company. A special shout out to Alex


Brittney, Thank you for the opportunity to work on your vehicle. Greatly appreciate the 5 star review! Best regards, The All Auto Services team

- All Auto Services

They have awesome service and give you step by step of the process



Very helpful. They did an inspection on a vehicle prior to purchase. All auto did a very detailed inspection and had it done quick. I am extremely happy with all auto